Annuity 2000 Mortality Table

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The Annuity 2000 table is a mortality table that is required by some states for use in computing gift annuity reserve requirements for recent gifts. The Annuity 2000 table is sex-biased: it reflects that females live longer than males.

The states listed below require use of the Annuity 2000 mortality table when computing reserve amounts for gift annuities funded on or after the date indicated. All of these states accept use of the 1983 A table for computation of reserve amounts for gift annuities funded prior to this date.

State Gifts on or after
Washington 7/1/1998
Florida 7/1/1998
Wisconsin 1/1/1999
New York 1/1/2000
Oregon 1/1/2001
New Jersey 1/1/2001
Hawaii July 1, 2004 (all gifts, regardless of gift date)
California 1/1/2005