Is Your Charity “Effective?” Effective Altruism and Your Donors
Recently, researchers at the Harvard Center for Brain Science crafted an experiment to see if donors could be redirected from supporting their favorite charities (“giving from the heart”) to supporting more effective charities (“giving from the head”). The effective charities were selected from GiveWell, a charity navigator for the Effective Altruism (EA) movement, which also funded the study through the Effective Altruism Fund. If your only familiarity with EA is its relationship to disgraced cypto-currency billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, it’s worth learning a bit about the movement and how it’s working to change the nature of philanthropy.
EA encourages its followers to earn more, so they can give more and to support only the most effective charities with their giving. According to EA, an effective charitable gift benefits the most people for the least financial outlay.
Do you need to worry that EA will capture your donors? They’re certainly going to try.