Thinking Beyond the Pandemic - Peaks, Valleys, and Life in Between
At this point, we find ourselves in seemingly unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic is sweeping the globe, infecting millions of people, and leaving hundreds of thousands of fatalities in its wake. The worst is likely over in China, and life is starting to return to some new kind of normal. In Europe, a few countries have reached the so-called apex, but other countries are at varying stages along the spectrum of the crisis. In the U.S., the picture changes greatly from state to state. By most accounts, New York – the first epicenter – has seen its peak of the crisis and is now on the downside, but the majority of states are still facing a significant ramping up in the coming days and weeks.
In this month's featured article, Jeffrey Frye, PG Calc Senior Client Services Advisor, offers some context, both historical and financial, when thinking about planned giving.