GiftWrap - Advanced (ONLINE)

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities.  In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

This class is intended for users with some familiarity with GiftWrap as well as finance officers and others who are recipients of the report information. Basics such as data entry, record death, payments and taxes are covered in the separate Introductory class.

April 2025

Wed 04/30-Thu 05/01

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities.  In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

Learn More

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities. In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

This class is intended for users with some familiarity with GiftWrap as well as finance officers and others who are recipients of the report information. Basics such as data entry, record death, payments and taxes are covered in the separate Introductory class.

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 1:00pm to 3:00pm ET on Wednesday, April 30 and Thursday, May 1. There will be a short break at 2:00pm on each day.
  • Please sign in by 12:50pm ET so that the session may begin on time.

For information on cancellation policies, please contact Jen Wickham at 888-474-2252.

Wednesday, April 30, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Thursday, May 01, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
ONLINE (Note: class will be from 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET each day)

Cost is $195 per attendee. Registrants will receive login information prior to the training.

October 2025

Wed 10/08-Thu 10/09

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities.  In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

Learn More

This class covers GiftWrap’s more advanced reporting capabilities including Projected Remainder Amounts, Gift Annuity Reserves, and FASB Liabilities. In addition, the class covers the CashTrac function which allows the market value of each individual gift annuity in an investment pool to be tracked, and discusses how GiftWrap reports use this information to help you understand the health of your program.

This class is intended for users with some familiarity with GiftWrap as well as finance officers and others who are recipients of the report information. Basics such as data entry, record death, payments and taxes are covered in the separate Introductory class.

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 1:00pm to 3:00pm ET on Wednesday, October 8 and Thursday, October 9. There will be a short break at 2:00pm on each day.
  • Please sign in by 12:50pm ET so that the session may begin on time.

For information on cancellation policies, please contact Jen Wickham at 888-474-2252.

Wednesday, October 08, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
Thursday, October 09, 01:00 PM-03:00 PM ET
ONLINE (Note: class will be from 1:00pm - 3:00pm ET each day)

Cost is $195 per attendee. Registrants will receive login information prior to the training.