Stay in Compliance

CGA State Reserve Reports

Being compliant with state requirements for charitable gifts is a complex and time consuming endeavor. We can easily provide you with accurate and timely CGA State Reserve Reports.

FASB Liability Reports

Determining the liability represented by each of your organization's split interest gifts, such as gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, is a long process. We can provide you with the reports and save you time.

Compliance Reporting Features

  • Reserve reports are available for every state regulating CGAs.
  • All reports are verified by qualified actuary, for states requiring it.
  • Reports are available for CRT, PIF, and CGA gift types.
  • Reports are generated in accordance with FASB 116/117 standards.

What It's Like to Work With Us

We wrote the book on planned giving compliance, and our dedicated staff of experts will work closely with you to explain every step of the process and provide the information and advice you need to understand what to do with the reports we create.

State Reserve Reports

We are considerate of your fiscal year end and make sure your report is ready before the due date. Many states will accept the reserve requirements of other states and we know the permutations of reports that will satisfy the constellation of states. If your state(s) need actuarial verification we will get that done for you using a qualified actuary. 

FASB Reports

Throughout the year you will send us all the relevant data about your program. We will then use that data to produce accurate and timely reports. Probably the most frequent conversations we have are about which mortality table or interest rate(s) to use. We'll walk you through how to discover the answers that are right for you.

Want help with your compliance reports?

Don't struggle with FASB, State Reserve Reports or Actuarial Verification anymore. Call now!
Senior Director of Planned Giving Services

Contact Kara Morin

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