This full-day seminar explores gift planning beyond the basics. We will review advanced gift planning techniques including retained life estates, charitable lead trusts, and estate planning models using the flexible functionality of PGM Anywhere.
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Who can benefit from this class?
The advanced session presumes a basic familiarity with planned gift arrangements either through attending our introductory session or prior experience. We also assume a similar familiarity with our PGM Anywhere software through work experience or our introductory training. Advance preparation for the course is not necessary.
Topics Covered:
We will relate estate and financial planning concepts such as capital gain, transfer taxes, and qualified retirement plans to charitable gift planning. We will cover Retained Life Estates, Testamentary Remainder Trusts, Lead Trusts, and Estate Planning Models using PGM Anywhere.
- Create a Charitable Remainder Unitrust Proposal with a Flip Provision
- Model Non-Grantor Lead Trust
- Calculate gift taxes on life income plans
- Create a Retained Life Estate Proposal
- Testamentary Gifts of Retirement Plans
Schedule for the Day
- The session runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Two 15-minute breaks, morning and afternoon, with an hour for lunch on your own at noon.
- Continental breakfast will be provided before the start of the session and refreshments during breaks.
- Please be in the room by 8:45 am so that the session may begin on time.
Full participation in the PGM Anywhere Advanced course is approved for 5.5 points in Category 1 .B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.
For questions or cancellations, please contact Michael Heep at 888-474-2252.