Everything You Need in Planned Giving

Since 1985, PG Calc has helped charities and non-profits of all types and sizes achieve planned giving success. PG Calc offers a full suite of planned giving products and services for organizations seeking to start or expand a program, benefit from effective planned giving marketing, or successfully administer planned giving programs.

Contact Us

What We Do


Marketing Services

We can help you reach and engage with prospective donors through a sophisticated blend of traditional and online marketing initiatives. We work with you to customize the ideal marketing approach for your audience, drawing for a range of available platforms.

Improve your planned giving program


Our experts will help you build upon your program's strengths, identify and address weaknesses, minimize financial risks and maximize benefits. Wheather your program is small or large, basic or sophisticated, we can help you enhance your efforts.

Get more gifts

Gift Illustrations

We can provide you with tools and expertise you need to effectively present the benefits of a planned gift to your prospective donors, to create gift annuity agreements and gift calculations, and to help your donor understand what type of planned gift makes most of sense for them.

Steward donors and be in compliance

Gift Administration

Ensure efficient and effective gift administration by outsourcing the work to PG Calc. By combining our decades of planned giving expertise with state-of-the-art tools like GiftWrap, we can fulfill all of your stewardship and compliance needs.

What's New

arches in a Roman aqueduct
New White Paper
Feb 3, 2025

The Five Keystones of Endowment Building

Endowments are powerful tools allowing nonprofit organizations to plan for the future and achieve larger goals than would be possible without them. Building an endowment requires time, consistency, accuracy, and institutional commitment, but the rewards can be nearly incalculable. In this white paper, learn about the five keystones needed for an endowment to achieve its maximum potential and why each is critical to support an endowment.

ACGA logo
PG Calc Blog Post
Jan 31, 2025

ACGA Rates Remain Well Below NY Maximum Annuity Rates Through 6/30/2025

New York has announced its maximum one-life annuity rates applicable to immediate gift annuities issued to New York donors from January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025. All these rates remain well above the corresponding maximum annuity rates suggested by the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA). We have spot-checked these rates over a range of typical ages and deferral periods, and in every case, the New York maximum rate is well above the corresponding ACGA rate.

PG Calc eRate Feb2025
Jan 15, 2025

February IRS Discount Rate: 5.4%

In this month's eRate newsletter:

  • Featured Article: Bigger Is Not Always Best, or Even Better
  • Quick Tip: PGM Anywhere Has New Save Prompts 
  • From the Blog: Pledge to Make a QCD 
  • PGM Desktop Updated with 2025 Federal Tax Schedules 
  • 2025 Webinars Finalized, 2025 Software Training Registration Open 
  • Hooray, It’s 1099-R Season Again!
pan balance showing $100 bills and pennies weighing roughly equal amounts
Featured Article
Jan 13, 2025

Bigger Is Not Always Best, or Even Better

You’re preparing an illustration, or maybe a marketing piece, and want to show the potential tax savings – both income and capital gains – from a planned gift. How are you going to select the tax rates? It’s certainly appealing to show the largest possible tax savings, which argues in favor of using the highest possible tax rates: 37% for income tax and 20% for capital gains. Here’s the rub: very few taxpayers fall into the 37% tax bracket. Even fewer also fall into the 20% capital gains bracket.

PG Calc Webinar
Feb 27, 2025

Navigating Your AI Transformation

In "Navigating Your AI Transformation," Nathan Chappell offers a deep dive into the ongoing journey of AI integration within nonprofit organizations, particularly focusing on its implications and opportunities in the fundraising sector. Additionally, Nathan will address common concerns and questions regarding AI, such as privacy, ethical considerations. The session aims to equip attendees with practical insights on leveraging AI responsibly to optimize and innovate in their operational and strategic endeavors, ultimately driving more informed and effective fundraising practices.

Software Training
Mar 5-6, 2025

Lead Trust School (ONLINE 6 hours over 2 days)

Charitable lead trusts, while rarely consummated, remain a topic of lively conversation amongst gift planners and professional advisors. Despite recent changes in transfer taxes that have greatly reduced the number of taxable estates, today’s planned giving professionals should have a basic level of understanding and comfort with the lead trust concept. This class will work through several examples of lead trusts, giving the attendee a general sense of when the lead trust makes sense, and when it does not.

Insight & Education

2025 PG Calc Webinars and Trainings

We have finalized the 2025 PG Calc Webinar topics, presenters, and dates. You can now register for individual webinars or the whole series here. To register for the series, select one of the "2025 Series" options on the registration page for any of the 2025 webinars.

The PG Calc software training schedule for 2025 is also available. You can register for our virtual and in-person trainings here.

We look forward to seeing you at our webinars and trainings in the New Year!

New Web Tool

NEW! Find Best Asset Widget Now Available

The Find Best Asset website widget is now available. This donor-facing plug-in can go on any planned giving website. The widget asks donors a series of simple questions, then uses the answers to recommend the best asset for them to use to fund an outright gift or charitable gift annuity: cash, appreciated securities, or a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). It's a great way to get your donors thinking about different types of assets they could donate and start gift conversations.

Let Us Help You...

Whether you are an existing client who wants more help, or you need to start a new program, optimize your existing program, or improve your marketing outreach, we can help.

Contact Gary Pforzheimer

or fill out the form for more information