Planned Giving Manager Introductory

Who can benefit from this class?

Prior knowledge of planned giving is helpful, but you can benefit from this class if you are new to planned giving. No prior experience with PGM Anywhere is required, and no advance preparation for the course is necessary. This class is taught using our web-based PGM Anywhere.  

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to PGM Anywhere
  • Gift Annuities - Immediate to Commuted Pay
  • Create Basic Gift Annuity Proposals
  • Introduction to Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Create Trust Proposals

August 2025

Wed 08/13

Gain invaluable hands-on experience using case study examples to illustrate gift options while discovering the powerful and effective features of your gift planning software. This class is taught using the web-based version, PGM Anywhere.

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Who can benefit from this class?

Prior knowledge of planned giving is helpful, but you can benefit from this class if you are new to planned giving. No prior experience with our PGM Anywhere software is required, and no advance preparation for the course is necessary. 

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to PGM Anywhere
  • Gift Annuities - Immediate and Deferred
  • Create Basic Gift Annuity Proposals
  • NEW: QCD to fund CGA (Legacy IRA Act)
  • Introduction to Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Create Trust Proposals

Schedule for the Day

  • The session runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  • Two 15-minute breaks, morning and afternoon, with an hour for lunch on your own at noon.
  • Continental breakfast will be provided before the start of the session and refreshments during breaks.
  • Please be in the room by 8:45 am so that the session may begin on time.

Full participation in the PGM Anywhere Introductory course is approved for 5.5 points in Category 1 .B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification. 

For questions or cancellations, please contact Michael Heep at 888-474-2252.

Wednesday, August 13, 09:00 AM-04:00 PM ET

Meeting location TBD.

A Windows-compatible laptop is recommended, but not required. Login to the software will be provided for use in class if needed. PG Calc offers laptop rentals for an additional $150/day.