Many of your institution’s loyal supporters truly have it in their heart to help your cause through a planned gift. Our job as marketers is to encourage them to take the next step: to go from just thinking about it to inquiring for more information, or to go from having done it to sharing the details with you. In this webinar, two experienced gift planners, Sam Samuels of Smith College and Carmen Tordiglione of Tufts University, will discuss the tools at your disposal to get as many of your prospects as possible to take the next step. From direct mail to webinars, Sam and Carmen will discuss 10 techniques they have used – some tried and true, some new – to encourage support of their respective institutions through a gift made by bequest or other estate gift. Newcomers to gift planning will come away with a grounding in the basics of marketing, while veterans will pick up some innovative pointers that work.
Event Schedule
Thursday, July 28, 01:00 PM-02:30 PM