United States
Estate gifts in the form of wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations (loosely referred to as “bequests”) are the foundation of post-death charitable gifts. 70% to 80% of all realized deferred gifts are in the form of bequests. The bequest is ubiquitous no matter the size of the charity, the charitable sector, or the sophistication of the planned giving program.
Despite their centrality to the fundraising effort at most charities, bequests are mostly a mystery for many organizations. Charities struggle to project the size of their bequest pipeline and when these gifts will be realized. Most bequests simply appear after the donor’s demise. The charity had no idea they were coming. In this webinar, we will debunk myths that have developed around bequest gifts. We will also explore some important truths about attracting more bequests. Armed with a deeper understanding of the bequest donor, what motivates them, and how to raise more bequest gifts, you will be in a better position to attract more of them for your organization.