Marketing Services

PG Calc’s Marketing Services is rooted in nearly three decades of experience helping planned giving professionals work with donors. In creating content platforms designed to engage new prospects, we examined marketing best practices through the lens of that expertise. We consulted with gift planners and donors to evaluate the current marketing landscape. Marketing Services is the result.

The introduction of PG Calc’s Marketing Services marks a dramatic expansion of the firm’s marketing consulting practice. Our white papers are downloaded hundreds of times a year, and our CGA Manual is a familiar sight in most planned giving offices. This is the team that will be creating content for your custom website and mailings. These are the experts who will guide you on how to shepherd prospective donors until they are ready to accept your call – or call you first to set up a meeting!

Click on the grid below to learn more.
Marketing Services Grid 

Marketing Solutions Optimized for Your Organization
Organizations and institutions might have similar missions and target audiences, yet still have very different requirements for their planned giving marketing efforts. One might be relatively new to planned giving, for example, while another seeks to add some energy to a long-established program. We understand that and built our offerings to be flexible enough to fit almost any program. 

Based on our experience working with thousands of charities, we designed four suggested service packages to accommodate the most common service requests. We will customize any of the service packages further by adding or subtracting items in them at a client’s request. Alternatively, clients can work with us to create a fully custom solution precisely tailored to their program goals or specific needs.  

Marketing Services’ flexibility extends to personalization of the services. All components are fully integrated with your existing design right out of the box, thanks to our exclusive PG Accelerator content management platform. Additionally, any word or image can be changed anywhere on the site. In this way, distracting shifts in design or language are kept to a minimum, which means more focus on your mission and message. 

Click here to return to the diagram showing the suggested packages side by side

The Elements of Success
Our Marketing Services packages are built around three vital marketing elements. 

1. A sophisticated web presence serves as a 24-hour beacon to prospective donors. 
2. Compelling direct mail and email campaigns bring home the impact their gift will have on your mission. 
3. Best of all, hands-on strategy sessions with our experts are included for all clients to set up their marketing program. Periodic reviews to keep things running smoothly are a part of each package.