Everything You Need in Planned Giving

Since 1985, PG Calc has helped charities and non-profits of all types and sizes achieve planned giving success. PG Calc offers a full suite of planned giving products and services for organizations seeking to start or expand a program, benefit from effective planned giving marketing, or successfully administer planned giving programs.

Contact Us

What We Do


Marketing Services

We can help you reach and engage with prospective donors through a sophisticated blend of traditional and online marketing initiatives. We work with you to customize the ideal marketing approach for your audience, drawing for a range of available platforms.

Improve your planned giving program


Our experts will help you build upon your program's strengths, identify and address weaknesses, minimize financial risks and maximize benefits. Wheather your program is small or large, basic or sophisticated, we can help you enhance your efforts.

Get more gifts

Gift Illustrations

We can provide you with tools and expertise you need to effectively present the benefits of a planned gift to your prospective donors, to create gift annuity agreements and gift calculations, and to help your donor understand what type of planned gift makes most of sense for them.

Steward donors and be in compliance

Gift Administration

Ensure efficient and effective gift administration by outsourcing the work to PG Calc. By combining our decades of planned giving expertise with state-of-the-art tools like GiftWrap, we can fulfill all of your stewardship and compliance needs.

What's New

PG Calc cake with '40' in candles
PG Calc News
Mar 15, 2025

PG Calc Turns 40!

March 15, 2025 marks the 40th anniversary of PG Calc. It all started when students Gary Pforzheimer and Winston Jones and recent grads Mary Pforzheimer and Bill Laskin worked together in the Harvard University planned giving office. Forty years later, PG Calc has evolved into a full-service software and services company that helps over 2,200 clients and charities with their planned giving. We are so proud of the work we do on behalf of the thousands of clients and charities we support, and we thank our clients for making us a part of their planned giving success. Our team shared their thoughts, memories, t-shirts, and reflections about our 40th anniversary.

Mar2025 PG Calc eRate screenshot
Mar 17, 2025

April IRS Discount Rate: 5.0%

In this month's eRate newsletter:

  • Featured Article: Private Letter Rulings and Planned Giving: Yes, You Need to Know This
  • PG Calc Turns 40!
  • PGM Anywhere Quick Tip: Search Everything, All at Once
  • Quick Tip: GiftWrap Makes It Easy to Manage the Start Date for Flexible Gift Annuities
  • New PGM Anywhere Release Can Compute Present Values of Projected Amounts
  • Discount Rate Election: Choose Wisely, Then Notify the IRS
  • Now You Should Rush: E-File Your 1099-Rs with the IRS
IRS Building, Washington, DC
Featured Article
Mar 17, 2025

Private Letter Rulings and Planned Giving: Yes, You Need to Know This

The Internal Revenue Service defines a private letter ruling, or PLR, as a statement issued to a taxpayer that interprets and applies tax laws to the taxpayer's specific set of facts. A PLR is issued to establish with certainty the federal tax consequences of the applicant’s tax question, and the findings are binding on the IRS. PLRs are important to planned giving to understand innovative gift planning opportunities. Certain unique planned giving options are now more common based on the PLR outcomes, such as flexible and step gift annuities, reinsured charitable gift annuities, commuted payment gift annuities, and more.

Gift Annuity Rate vs. Discount Rate
PG Calc Blog Post
Mar 17, 2025

What’s The Difference Between The Gift Annuity Rate And The Discount Rate?

We get this question from time to time. The gift annuity payout rate is used to determine the annuity payment amounts. The annuity payout rate is typically a suggested rate by the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA), and the annuity payout rate is based on the life expectancy of the annuitant. The IRS discount rate is used to calculate the donor’s charitable deduction. The IRS discount rate is published monthly, and it is based on the average interest rate for medium-term United States Treasury Bonds. The higher the discount rate, the larger the charitable deduction. 

PG Calc Software Updated
Mar 14, 2025

PGM Anywhere Updated on 3/14/25

The release of PGM Anywhere 18.0.0 includes:

  • Present values of projected amounts
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Show password option 
Software Training
Mar 26-27, 2025

GiftWrap - Introductory (ONLINE 6 hours over 2 days)

This 2-day (6 hours) ONLINE class introduces students to basic gift administration practices and how to use the features in GiftWrap to meet your organization's obligations to donors and beneficiaries. You will learn the best practices for data entry to help meet the needs of your development, business and finance offices.

PG Calc FREE Webinar
Mar 27, 2025

Why Would My Organization Want Its Own DAF Program? (FREE)

Donor-advised funds have become a major source of charitable dollars that continues to grow. More and more charities are sponsoring their own DAF programs. New technology is making it easier than ever for charities to offer the convenience and flexibility of DAFs to their own donors. Why would my organization want to do that? How have others fared? What rules have they put in place? Will a DAF attract new donors and/or larger donations? Attend this webinar to learn the answers. 

Free Guide
Mar 12, 2025

Nine Mistakes You Might Be Making in Endowment Sub-Accounting

Sub-accounting is a critical part of managing an endowment and stewarding gifts. In our 40 years of planned giving, we at PG Calc have seen it all – so, we put together a list of the nine most common mistakes you might be making in your endowment sub-accounting. These are the pitfalls that we see organizations struggle with most often.

Let Us Help You...

Whether you are an existing client who wants more help, or you need to start a new program, optimize your existing program, or improve your marketing outreach, we can help.

Contact Gary Pforzheimer

or fill out the form for more information