ACGA Announces New Suggested Maximum Gift Annuity Rates

On May 15, 2018, the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) announced new suggested maximum gift annuity rates to replace the rates that became effective on January 1, 2012. The new rates will apply to gift annuities established on or after July 1, 2018. PG Calc recently announced the release of Planned Giving Manager version 7.5A, our desktop gift planning software, and an update of…

Tax Reform and Its Impact on Planned Giving

On December 22, 2017, the President signed into law an “Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.”  In response to the passage of this legislation, there has been some alarm in the charitable community about the impact on charitable giving. As a service to our customers and followers, PG Calc has…

PGM Updated for 2017 Tax Act

PG Calc released Planned Giving Manager 7.5 (PGM) on January 30, 2018. This update features tax tables updated to reflect changes under the 2017 Tax Act, including the new $11.18 million* estate, gift, and generation skipping tax exemption and new income tax rates and brackets for trusts. PGM also includes references to the new 60% of AGI limit on gifts of cash to public charities, and options regarding the deductibility of state taxes from federal income tax and…

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act and Charitable Giving

We have heard from many of our clients about the tax reform bill working its way through Congress. Many of you have probably been getting questions about the impact of this bill on philanthropy from your bosses and donors. In our blog post, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and Charitable Giving, we present our preliminary observations on this legislation. We will produce a more in-depth…

PGM Anywhere Update

On October 8, PG Calc released an important update of PGM Anywhere, our browser-based planned gift illustration software for tablet, laptop, and desktop computers. PGM Anywhere can now produce Actuarial Calculations and Non-Charitable Interest Actuarials charts for all standard planned gifts. All Planned Giving Manager clients can sign up for PGM Anywhere for no additional charge! LEARN MORE >>

PGM Updated with Latest Tax Tables

PG Calc released PGM 7.4 on January 18, 2017.  This update features tax tables updated with 2017 indexing for inflation, including the new $5,490,000 estate and gift tax exemption. PGM 7.4 also includes changes that reference the early termination language provided in Revenue Procedure 2016-42 as a solution for CRATs that fail the 5% probability of exhaustion test.

Please contact PG Calc Client Services at or 888-474-2252 if you have any…

GiftWrap/Bequest Manager Update

PG Calc released GiftWrap 4.2.10 April 1, 2017.  This update on contains a variety of enhancements that further increase the value and utility of PG Calc’s suite of gift administration software. This release focuses on expanded capabilities in the areas of compatibility, security, and usability. New features include:

  • Windows 10 compatibility…