2025 Tax Tables
-Indexed Tax Tables and QCD Limits for 2025
The federal tables below include the values applicable when determining federal taxes for 2025. They are published in Revenue Procedure 2024-40. The QCD limits are published in Notice 2024-80.
2024 Tax Tables
-2024 Tax Tables
These tables include the values applicable when determining federal taxes for 2024.
IRC Sec. 7520. Valuation tables
-Section 7520 of the Internal Revenue Code went into effect May 1, 1989. It describes the valuation tables that must be used for computing the value of certain income interests. These tables are used to computed the charitable deduction for all life income gifts, retained life estates, and lead trust gifts.
Table LN Mortality Table
-This is the mortality table for computing deductions for split interest gifts that was in effect from 12/1/83 through 4/30/1989. The left column is the age of the population and the right column is the number of survivors per 100,000 population. The table shows the number of survivors at each age out of a population of 100,000 at age 0.
Table 80CNSMT Mortality Table
-The 80CNSMT mortality table is required by the IRS for computing charitable deductions for planned gifts and other “split interest” transfers made from May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1999. Transition rules allow donors to use deduction factors based on Table 80CNSMT or Table 90CM for gifts made in May 1999 or June 1999 that use May's or June's IRS discount rate. This mortality table can also be used when computing liabilities to satisfy FASB Statements 116 and 117. Table 80CNSMT is based on data from the 1980 U.S. census. It is a unisex table: men and women have the same mortality.
Table 90CM Mortality Table
-The 90CM mortality table is required by the IRS for computing charitable deductions for planned gifts and other “split interest” transfers made from July 1, 1999 onward. Transition rules allow donors to use deduction factors based on Table 80CNSMT or Table 90CM for gifts made in May 1999 or June 1999 that use May's or June's IRS discount rate. This mortality table can also be used when computing liabilities to satisfy FASB Statements 116 and 117.